I was a Year 6 student at Hay Park School in Auckland, NZ. I was in McCahon Class and my teacher was Mrs Kingston. This is where I shared my learning.
Our class had a blog and you can visit it by clicking here.
Monday, 14 December 2015
Here is my last Blog Post of the year and in PRIMARY! This is a Google Slide that I have made that includes at the end a few memorys that I will keep for ever! I miss HPS already knowing I am leaving but a new begging will start!
Friday, 11 December 2015
Final:Passion Project!
Ooohayoo blogging world,
Today we had to present our overall project. Unfortunately, my groups videos couldn't be put into our project because we thought about a different way of inserting them into our presentation and were confident it would work but on the last day of all days it DIDN'T work! So here is what we have and our goal to take to intermediate is to test out the different ways and also use our time wisely! Comment down below if you think you can perform one of these sports!
Term 4
Friday, 27 November 2015
Comment To Steven From..... CANADA!
Hi Guys!
Today, Mrs Kingston, my teacher has given us blogs to comment on. Thanks to Mr Vasquesz for sending Mrs Kingston a list of his students blogs so McCahon class and I can comment to them. Guess what?? Their from CANADA! So here is a screenshot of my comment and as you can see, one of his gadgets wouldn't move so I have included my comment down below! Please read and comment back to me!
Kia Ora Steven,I really like your blog! I mean love! I really like your mouse because of the colourful hand that I now want. Your also probably wondering who I am? I am Evanjaline from..... AUCKLAND New Zealand. The greeting 'Kia Ora' is the Maori way of saying hello. I can speak 1 other language other English, can you? Since you have got the translator on your blog, do you think you can read the other languages? I don't think I can read any other language other than English! Come take a look at my blog by clicking on my name or using this link: http://hpsevanjalinemp.blogspot.co.nz/
Bonne journée! (I was researching and saw that French and English is the official languages spoken in Canada)
From Evanjaline
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Passion Project: Athletics Reflective Presentation
This is my reflective presentation that I have been filling out so that I have evidence of myself actually reflecting. I need to work with my group to identify where our next step is.
Comment to share some helpful athletic advice.
I Remember When.... YR6 Graduation Google Slides
Hey Guys,
This is my remember when slide that I had created and finished over the past 3 days. This is something that I was looking forward to at the beginning of the year but now I regret it because I don't want to leave Hay Park School! Sad Face but I am ready for intermediate! Hopefully!? No, I am positive that I am. The greatest memory at Hay Park School is getting my very first certificate and is at home pinned up on my wall and also going camp learning all sorts of things. Hay Park will always be apart of me and I will cry at the end of the year. YES! I will cry! Comment down below!
End of year Reflection,
Term 4
Evanjaline's (ME) Comment To Tyson From May Road Room 14
This is my comment to Tyson about his steps to being a positive digital footprint. This includes his blog post and my comment. Check out his blog with many more posts at http://mrstysont.blogspot.co.nz/
Comment down below!
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
ToolKits Day Reflection!
Today at HPS, we had a Toolkits Day! Toolkits day is where students lead a workshop about technology or technology related subjects. I held a workshop about how to bling your blog. Can you see progress in mine? The image above has included the things we were given apart of our goodie bags. I learnt how to use scratch how to construct a QR code and make a sock puppets video. Here is my video and a QR Code to scan! Comment if you know how to make the above!
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Should Zoey Trust The Eels Tribe?
I respectfully disagree with people that think Zoey should TRUST the eels clan. The reasons why I disagree is that Dooby sounds dodgy because when Zoey first arrived, Dooby gave an impression as if he was very violent but now he is very friendly. When something devastating happens it changes the way people act and I think the crisis that has happened to Dooby’s world has affected him.
Friday, 16 October 2015
Digital Foot Print Owners!
Created with Padlet
How has going back to school been? Its been great for me. G'day Blogging World, This week Mr Hopkins came in for the afternoon to speak about positive digital foot print owners. We were able to choose three people of our choice to research about. Here are the people I choose to research about. If you have somebody that you think I should reserach about, comment down below.
Term 4
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Last Day Of School Holidays!
This is my #HOLIDAY! My plan this holidays were to have a girls only party! We would sleep at each others house! Guess WHAT? YES! This all happened. We spent a lot of time off the WIFI which isn't normal for some of us! We went to Maraetai beach and myself and 1 of my cousins jumped on the shore kind of thing. It was scary but fun. Who knew that using all the effects on my chromebook would be cool? As you know today or tonight is actually a Saturday but I want to make sure I have a last post of the #holidaybreak because I may not have wifi tomorrow. I meet my Aunty and Uncle's dog, Bison! He doesn't bite (thank goodness) and is lovely to snuggle with. We all got to born to dance, the NZ film. I'd highly recommend it. If you got to do any of these things or other cool things, comment down below!
Born To Dance,
Fowlds Park,
Maraetai Beach,
Sylvia Park
My 50th Post On My Blog! Celebrating The End Of The Holidays!
Serious?....Wait what......It can't be.....I'm....Give me some water......Wahhh..... umm...this is...wow...I-I...whaa...this is my, uhh...woooww...I...whaa
Yes, I am pretty impressed and proud of my self. I am speechless. This is my 50th POST! I have completed this in the holidays.
Thank you all my family, Teachers, friends and other students from around the globe! I love reading your ongoing comments. Thanks for actually reading my blogs and understanding. Have a great rest of the holidays!
My sister and I have been playing our own karaoke. Here is some of the photos from tonight. Leave comments down below. I has kinda not aware of what she was doing! She wasn't ready. We are in a sugar rush!

Saturday, 3 October 2015
Looking Over Our Cyber/Blog World Role Models!
What a great holiday so far, huh? Hey Blogging World, how has your holiday break gone so far? I love it but I do miss school! Since I was missing school, I had a look on some of the class twitter pages and found Mr Hopkins's Twitter page!
I went through some tweets and found a pupil that attends Tamaki Primary as a yr8 student. He currently has 360(!) posts in only 2015! I commented on one of the first three posts (currently) and thanked him for showing me that I can do better in posting in time because my encouraging Teacher, Mrs Kingston, is always telling us that your blog will eventually get boring if you give a long time to keep posting. If you want to know what I am talking about look at: http://tpswillyl.blogspot.co.nz/ His ideas are so incredible as the 'dollarnaire game' he had made! Thanks Willy!
Mr Hopkins,
Role Models,
Tamaki Primary School,
Friday, 25 September 2015
Holidays Here We Come!
Hey Blogging World,
I haven't spoke to you all in a long time but any ways, this is the last day of Term 3! This song is stuck in everyone's head including the teachers at Hay Park School. Incredibly, NZ's hottest band from straight out of Mt Roskill have made this 'Stop, Think and Do' music video. I can't wait for the holidays but I will miss Monday mornings, getting up and rushing to make it before the school bell rings. I am imaging the last day of Term 4 which will also be my last day in primary and year 6. Have a great holiday!
Friday, 21 August 2015
The Viewer:....Should Tristan.....
We have carried on with the mysterious book The Viewer. We used a drama technique and its could the Conscience Alley about if Tristan (The main character) should go back and look at the machine!
The Viewer: My Poem
As we have been reading about The Viewer, most of our work is around it. This is a poem that Ashlyn and I have created. I loved our team work and we tweaked it to make some of the sentences rhyme. I love the book and can't wait to finish off reading it. Comment down below if you have read it!
Thursday, 20 August 2015
The Viewer: His RESTLESS Sleep!
This week McCahon Class has been reading about The Viewer. So as relating to that, we have been paired up in to 2's or 3's and constructed our own image that relates to the sentence, 'He descended into restless sleep'. Here James is pretending to have a restless sleep as I was the photographer. When then used some photo editing websites but the usual picmonkey and befunky just didn't please use so we used the next big thing PiZap! This was a great website because it had the right tint and we liked it. I hope you like it! If you have read the book comment down below. Here is the link to our sound-scape!
Shaun Tan,
Term 3,
The Viewer,
Week 5
Thursday, 13 August 2015
My Camp Adventure! With My Remember When Poem!
That Was Camp.
Remember when I went up the Giant's ladder really hard?
Remember when coming down was more better and I said Now am I scared of heights?
That was camp having Saunoa as a partner and our teamwork was one of our best qualities!
Remember when I went surfing and when I tried to stand, instead I got hit in the head with my board then felt a bit dazed but the wet suit kept me warm from the alike Antarctic cold water?
Remember the time where I nearly stood up with the help of Gus (the instructor!)?
That was my adventure in the ocean, surfing on the sand.
Remember how I tasted bread and butter pudding?
Do you remember how I loved it and would like to taste that again because it was really delicious?
That was camp with an amazing meal to finish off our busy days.
Mrs Kingston,
Term 3,
Week 4
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
My 4 Sentence Recount!
This term we are going to be writing all sorts of different texts. Here is my 4 sentence recount about my holidays!
Friday, 3 July 2015
Last Day Of Term 2 2015!
What have been your learning highlights this term?
One of my major highlights of the Term is learning more about my space inquiry and being able to answer it with many different answers confidently.
What were your Learner Profile goals for Term 2? Have your goals changed? Are you on track to meet your goals?
My main goal was to be open-minded about others because others learn differently so I have to open minded about how I approach them. I am going through the right direction of achieving this goal!
If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about your learning so far?
I would say that Evanjaline is very focus when it's learning time and tries her hardest at getting something complete. She knows and can articulate when needing help.
As you look back at your learning so far, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon?
I really think that my weakest point, Writing, can be better than it is now and I will be ready to finish this goal.
Malo le soifua,
This is my reflection for Term 2! We went over our main goals and filled the template that our teacher made. It has been a bitter sweet Term getting a new bike and then having our wonderful principle leave!
Today we were going to present some of out highlights of learning in Term 2! We unfortunately did get time to share so here is my presentation! Enjoy!
End of year Reflection,
Last Day,
Term 2
Friday, 26 June 2015
Quad Blogging With Room 8 Paerata School!
Minasan, kon'nichiwa.
This is the blog post from Paerata School's Room 8's blog that I commented on. I am just waiting for my comment to be approved by their teacher and then I can show it on my blog (here!) If you click on the link below it will take you to the Room 8's blog were the comments for the blog post above will show! Click Here! This is the blog post!!
Monday, 22 June 2015
Flying Rockets!!
Barev bolorin,
Today we had some of the Stardome team come and help us fly our, mostly, student lead rockets. McCahon class, the class I am in, won the highest flight award which the video above shows. Nisha, Simeon, Arnav and I were the makers or engineers of the rocket. We also designed it and it was so awesome having our class room mates praise us. If you would like to see the actual rocket, comment down below and I will upload some close ups!
Student Directed,
Term 2,
Week 10
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Stardome! YAYY!
![]() Bună ziua tuturor pe, As you can see we went to Stardome! We firstly, watched a short film about Matariki. ![]()
Here is Siliuasi designing her rocket!
Johan always with a super smile!
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Sunday, 14 June 2015
Simeon And I's Conversations!
Hei alle sammen,
this means hello everybody in Norwegian, this is some comments that I have been giving to Simeon in my class an we have been reply back to each other. This is just like my last post about Lyle and I having a conversation! If you have a learning device or any device, try and comment on other blogs! Comment down below for requests on anything else!
Term 2
Saturday, 13 June 2015
Stardome DLO
Hola a todos,
We, McCahon Class, have been learning about Space. Therefore, we had a trip to Stardome observatory! We have learnt a lot about the Maori New Year, Matariki! We were able to make our own rockets and paper planes. If you are learning about Space, flick me a comment to tell me what your school's main focus!
Mrs Kingston,
Term 2,
Week 8
Thursday, 4 June 2015
4/5/15 SPEEDWRITE: Shine bright like a star!
Today’s learning focus- WALT to write an information report on stars in 40 minutes.
My Information Report Success Criteria:
My heading/title:
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My opening paragraph/introduction:
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My main paragraphs/body paragraphs:
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My end paragraph/conclusion:
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Shine bright like a star!
As we, Humans, may not take much notice of the stars that are in the sky at night. Yet there is much more you need to know. Stars can vary in size and colour so this is where you need to be. Stars are a sphere of hot plasma. I will go on to explain, the life cycle, general information and the types of stars.
The Life Cycle:
Everything as a life cycle just like stars. Stars start out as a cloud full of gas and dust. Interesting fact is that stars are born in nebulae. Scientifically, the clumps of dust and gas collapse under gravitational forces that will form the next stage. Protostars, these stars experience further collapses and form the main sequence stars. Overtime as these stars grow older they will expand. Therefore, the core will eventually run out of hydrogen then helium. The outer layers will expand, cool and become less bright. These come into the stars of a red giant or a red super giant and will explode and collapse. This process will proceed and many star may die and form black holes. We thought stars live forever but unfortunately the unexpected has been expected.
General Info:
There are many facts about stars and generalising information is easier to understand about stars. Huge, organised collections are stars which are called clusters. These stars can live for over billions of years. Interestingly, the name star in from an ancient Greek word 'aster' meaning star. There is many stars in the night sky. There is approximately, 3,000 stars in a night sky. There is to be about 200-400 in a milking way galaxy alone. There are many things that are not commonly known about stars.
Types of Stars:
Stars vary in size and colours. If you did not know already, there is stars that are measured to be 100- 200 times bigger than the Sun. The Sun is very hot but is a very small planet. The Sun is a dwarf planet along side with a lot more. Yellow stars are medium sized which corresponds to the amount of heat provided. Approximately, medium sized stars have a medium heat. Blue giants often run out of fuel in only 10,000 to 100,000 years! These stars only live a short time meaning scientists use them to find places in outer space where new stars are forming.
Stars vary in shapes, sizes, colours and heat. My opinion of stars are very important because without them of a night of the New Moon we wouldn't be able to have natural light. If this has helped, you may be inspired to write your very own non-chronological report!
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